Free Talks and Courses

Basic life support & first aid for babies & toddlers
• Aimed at moms, nannies, caregivers, grandparents, anyone looking after babies and toddlers.
• Will teach basic skills required in life threatening medical emergencies including babies and toddlers.
• Certificate of attendance and competence on completion.
First Aid for the Sports Field
• Teaches the basic skills to manage common injuries sustained on the sports field.
• Aimed at learners to be able to provide first aid for their school teams.
Adult CPR (Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation)
• Teaches basic skills of CPR, airway management and choking.
• CPR (Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation)
Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)
Stop Smoking
Weight Loss
Women's Health: Pap smears, breast health, cervix cancer prevention.
Men's Health: Prostate Cancer, Erection Problems